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18.02 Fall 2024 (Recitation MW9)

This is a place where I post notes that I typed when leading my 18.02 recitation at Mass Tech in fall 2024. My recitation is MW9 in 2-135, but students in other sections should feel free to use these notes however you find them useful to you.

For my students: here’s the attendance form.

Evan’s 18.02 LAMV book (work-in-progress)

I’m working on a set of replacement lecture notes for 18.02 that will be readable not only for this semester but also useful in the future (e.g. students who wish to test out of 18.02).

  • Download the most recent draft (updated PDF).
  • If you spot an issue or have proposed edits, please either
  • Comments, suggestions, words of encouragement, notes of gratitude, pictures of bunnies, etc., are welcome at my usual email.

Downloads (i.e. optional DLC’s)

These materials contain lots of side digressions and alternative perspectives. They are not considered part of the course, and you should not feel obligated to read them; they’re just for your interest.

Source code for these files are posted on GitHub. If you see a typo, please either email me or submit a pull request on GitHub.

Quick temporary answer keys for recitations

These are really hastily cobbled together and might contain mistakes. It’s mostly useful for checking your work; there will be a proper solutions file prepared by the TA’s later on Canvas. This is just a stopgap in the meantime since the official solutions file usually takes an extra day or two to go online.

For current students


  • Recitation session is 9:05-9:55am on Mondays and Wednesdays in 2-135.
  • Monday office hours is 10:00-10:55am on Monday in 2-136.
  • Wednesday office hours is 10:00-10:55am on Wednesday in 2-151.

You can also email me to schedule a separate office hours appointment if you want, or just go to a different TA’s office hours.

Updated Sun 13 Oct 2024, 17:09:03 UTC by f426951bb250