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Puzzle hunts

Teams I’ve hunted with include ✈✈✈ Galactic Trendsetters ✈✈✈, teammate, and super team awesome.

You can find a calendar of upcoming puzzle hunt events and Discord servers at This page is not itself a puzzle.

Evan’s puzzles#

See also my devjoe page.

Mystery Hunt 2021#

Mystery Hunt 2023#

MOP Mini-events#

New to puzzle hunts?#

You can also find a index of all past mystery hunt puzzles and it’s great fun to just pick a random past puzzle to work through.

Evan’s advice for puzzle solving#

In descending order of importance for new solvers:

  1. Read betaveros’s post if you haven’t already, so you are familiar with all “standard” techniques since many hunts will assume familiarity with no further comment. (See also Microsoft’s common encoding list.)
  2. Always make a spreadsheet whenever you are working on a puzzle. (Trying to do a puzzle without a spreadsheet is analogous to not bringing scratch paper to a math exam.) Google spreadsheet works well if you are working in teams.
    • If using Google spreadsheets, there are some annoying tasks you might like to automate such as A=1 to Z=26, indexing with spaces deleted, etc. There’s a library for this.
  3. Use multiple screens (e.g. extra monitor, old laptop, tablet, smart TV, etc.). Being able to view both a spreadsheet and the puzzle at the same time is tremendously useful. Also, if you have a printer or pencil/paper, having hard copies of relevant information can be similarly helpful.
  4. Check your work! (Better yet, have teammates help you check your work.) Quote from Allen Rabinovich’s advice: “A good friend of mine once said that if he were to write a guide on how to solve puzzles, that’s all he would say.”
  5. Print out a code sheet of common encodings. There are other charts like Puzzled Pint).
  6. Use Nutrimatic to find phrases given only some of the letters.
  7. Always ask what information is not used yet. In a well-designed puzzle, there will rarely be any superfluous information (much like in USAMO, usually there are no extraneous conditions on problems). Good puzzle writers will tend to “destroy” information if it’s not relevant. In particular, it’s extremely common for lists to be in alphabetical order if either order is irrelevant or the solver needs to re-order themselves.
  8. Look at the puzzle title and flavor text for clues.

For intermediate-advanced solvers, Alex Irpan has a nice post Puzzlehunting 201 with more detailed solving advice.

Thoughts on puzzle-writing#

Two blog posts of mine:

Updated Sat 1 Jun 2024, 02:04:14 UTC by 753547d4133f