OTIS List of Units

This is the current selection of units as of January 2018. The set of units is always changing a little bit (additions, deletions, merges), but it should be mostly accurate. Hopefully it gives you a bit of an idea of what's out there.

The three-letter codes are version numbers. The first letter codes for difficulty, the second letter codes for olympiad subject, and the third letter represents a version number (different version numbers are disjoint, for students participating for multiple years).

One semester usually consists of 6-7 units.

1 Harmonic DGW
2 Harmonic DGX
3 Harmonic ZGW
4 Homography ZGY
5 EV Comp BCW
6 Global BCW
7 Global DCW
8 Global DCX
9 Local DCW
10 Local DCX
11 Global and Local ZCW
12 Global and Local ZCX
13 Func Eqn BFW
14 Func Eqn DFW
15 Monster FE DFW
16 Monster FE ZFW
17 Gen Func BAX
18 Sums BAX
19 Sums DAX
20 Ineq Basic BAW
21 Ineq Standard DAX
22 Equality DCW
23 Equality ZCW
24 American Geo DGX
25 American Geo ZGX
26 Complex Nums BGW
27 Complex Nums DGW
28 Super Complex ZGX
29 Bary BGW
30 Bary DGW
31 Super Bary ZGX
32 Irred DAX
33 Analysis DAY
34 Analysis ZAY
35 Lin Alg DCY
36 Lin Alg ZCY
37 Hyperbola ZGX
38 Combo Null ZCW
39 AIME Mods BNW
40 Euclid Algorithm BNY
41 Euclid Algorithm DNY
42 Orders BNW
43 Diophantine DNW
44 Heavy NT DNW
45 Super NT ZNW
46 Super NT ZNX
47 Core NT DNY
48 Rigid DCW
49 Rigid DCX
50 Rigid ZCW
51 Rigid ZCX
52 Free DCW
53 Free DCX
54 Free ZCW
55 Free ZCX
56 Process DCY
57 Process ZCY
58 Grinding ZMY
59 Grinding DMY
60 Induct BCX
61 Induct BCY
62 Induct DCX
63 Induct DCY
64 Global and Local ZCY
65 NT Construct DNY
66 NT Construct ZNY
67 Int Polynom DNY
68 Int Polynom ZNY
69 Size in NT DNW
70 Anti Problems DMW
71 Anti Problems ZMW
72 Anti Problems DMX
73 Anti Problems ZMX
74 Elem Geo BGY
75 Elem Geo DGY
76 Complex Nums DGX
77 Bary DGX
80 Weird Geo ZGX
81 Weird Geo ZGY
82 Ineq Func BAW
83 Tricky Ineq DAX
84 Hard Ineq ZAY
85 Func Eqn DFX
86 Func Eqn ZFX
87 Func Eqn ZFY
88 Symm Polynom BAW
89 Spiral DGW
90 Spiral ZGW
91 Invert DGW
92 Invert ZGW
93 Inversion and Spiral ZGY
94 American Geo DGY
95 American Geo ZGY
96 Intro Graph BCX
97 Graph Th DCX
98 Graph Th ZCX
99 Extremal Graph ZCX
100 Courage DMW
101 Courage ZMW
102 Mystery BCW
103 Hall BCW
104 Hall DCW
105 Russ Combo DCX
106 Duluth ZMY